Monday, June 28, 2010


'QUICKNESS & DECEPTION'(11 L x 9 1/2 W x 2" D) for the week of June 21

I've got to give props to my friend Aaron James who was the original master mind of this idea. Mr. James wields many talents, see some of many at math department.

Monday, June 21, 2010

43 of 52 'SUPER VAN'

'SUPER VAN' (11 3/4L x 6 3/4W x 3"D)for the week of June 14th

I lucked out about as much as the time I found a $20 bill on the movie theater floor when I found this sucker in the woods. I couldn't resist because this badge is so rad. The font, the color, the layout even the name says cool.

Monday, June 14, 2010

42 of 52 'TROPHY TRUCK'

'TROPHY TRUCK'(12 1/2 L x 9 1/2 W x 3"D)for the week of June 7th

Below is a shot of 'Emblem,' it's a 300 pound behemoth made from powder coated steel and juniper. This was hanging in John Paul's place for a bit. I just got it back and have been spending some time with it. I may come to terms with it once my shoulder mends.

Monday, June 7, 2010

41 of 52 'FOR JUNIPER'

'FOR JUNIPER'(22 1/4 L x 19 1/4 W x 6" D)for the week of May 31th

Protect what you love. It kind of goes without saying but sometimes you need to no matter what. Life lately has reignited the final push of this project.

Steveo, this is for the girl.

Constructed from Juniper, laminate, steel. Check in next week.