Monday, March 29, 2010


'I OWE A LOT BUT NOT EVERYTHING'(5 1/4L x 6 1/4W x 3"D)for the week of March 22nd

Legos, there much else to say. I spent endless hours creating and building towns, empires and worlds. The great thing is, I still feel like a kid when I realize the direction. Feverishly working the material with the nervous feeling of anticipation just to see it realized.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Monday, March 15, 2010

30 of 52 'SIMPLE'

'SIMPLE' (5 1/4 L x 6 1/4 W x 2 1/8" D) for the week of March 8th

'Simple' is crafted with juniper burl centered on laminate housed in a mini frame.

Lately, I've been working on a piece to show at John Paul's place. Who is John Paul you may ask? Check it . Basically, JP is the shit. If you ever need an amazing something make it your first stop. Below is a snippet of the piece. I be posting the piece, in its entirety, next month.

Monday, March 8, 2010

29 of 52 DUBTROB

'DUBTROB' (12 L x 14 3/4 x W x 5" D)for the week of March 1st

Monday, March 1, 2010

28 of 52 'TAG'

'TAG' (10 1/2 L x 13 1/2 W x 4 1/2"D) for the week of February 22nd

For some reason I kept reflecting on this art (pictured below) I found years ago in an industrial waste land next to some railroad tracks. I really wanted to take it home but I figured the spirit in which it was created would be lost.

I've been working on a large piece for an up coming show and all the sheet steel scrap left over is used in this piece. Signage and graffiti are two dominate themes for 'Tag,' a sort of homage to the written hand.